Legadier S.L.P. Unipersonal (hereinafter “Legadier”) is the owner of the domain, with registered office in Madrid, Avenida de Brasil, 29 – 1º, C.P. 28020, with C.I.F. B87859583 and registered at “Registro Mercantil de Madrid” “tomo 36.164, folio 1, sección 8, hoja M-649845”. Contact e-mail: info@legadier.com.
The access and / or use of this Legadier website implies the express and unreserved acceptance of the present conditions that we ask you to read carefully. If you do not agree with the conditions of use do not access or use this website.
Legadier reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without prior notice, any modification of any elements that integrate the design, content and configuration of the web, expand or reduce services, or modify these general conditions. The user’s access after any modification implies the acceptance of the changes made.
Legadier is the owner, or has the corresponding licenses in its case, on the exploitation rights of intellectual and industrial property of the website, including all the contents offered in it (for example: images, sound, audio, video, software) or texts, trademarks or logos, combinations of colors, structure and design, selection of materials used, access and use, etc.). The access and / or use of the website by the user will not imply in any case the resignation, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of the foregoing rights by Legadier.
All rights of intellectual and industrial property are reserved regarding the contents of the website and, in particular, the reproduction, distribution and public communication (including the way it is made available), of all or part of the contents of this website are expressly prohibited, for commercial purposes, in any way and by any technical means, without the prior written authorization of Legadier. The User agrees to respect the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property owned by Legadier. You will be able to visualize the elements of the website and print them, copy them and store them on your computer’s hard drive or on any other physical means, as long as it is solely and exclusively for your personal and private use. The User must refrain from deleting, altering or manipulating copyright indications or other elements that serve to identify the holders of rights, as well as any protection device or security system that was installed on the pages of Legadier.
References to trademarks or trade names or other distinctive signs, whether from Legadier or from third parties, imply the prohibition of their use without the consent of their legitimate owner.
The user access to the website is under his exclusive responsibility. The contents displayed on the website as well as the comments and information on any of the platforms or social networks that Legadier could use as communication channels can not have in any case the consideration of legal advice.
This responsibility extends to the registration that would be necessary to access certain services or contents. In the event that the user sends any kind of information to Legadier, he declares and guarantees that he sends it freely and that said information does not infringe the rights of intellectual, industrial, trade secret or any other and that it is not confidential or harmful to third parties. In this registry the User will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. The User agrees to make appropriate use of the contents and services that Legadier offers or could offer through its portal and with an enunciative but not limiting character, not to use them to engage illegal activities or contrary to good faith and to public order; disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal, advocacy of terrorism or that violates human rights; cause damage to the physical and logical systems of Legadier, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or disseminate in the network computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are capable of causing the aforementioned damage; try to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages. Legadier reserves the right to withdraw all comments and contributions that may violate respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, that attempt against public order or public safety or that, in their opinion, will not result suitable for publication. In any case, Legadier will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums, chats, or other participation tools.
The inclusion of links to access to platforms and social networks belonging to third parties is intended to enable the user access to the different channels that Legadier could maintain in them, without the establishment of these applications implies the existence of any relationship between Legadier and the owner, manufacturer or distributor of the platform in question or the acceptance and / or approval by Legadier of its contents or services. Legadier assumes no responsibility for the configuration of such platforms or social networks or the contents or services to which the user can access through them. The information that the user provides to these platforms will be under their responsibility, without Legadier intervening in said process. Likewise, Legadier reserves the right not to follow users who start following their social profile.
Taking into account the impossibility of control over the contents, information or services offered by other websites that can be accessed through links that are made available on our website, Legadier is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may derive from the use by the user of third-party websites or the contents thereof.
The hyperlinks on other websites that allow access to the Legadier web page, will not imply in any case the existence of commercial or trade relations with the owner of the website where the hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance by Legadier of any contents or services. Legadier does not authorize the establishment of a link to the website from pages containing illegal, degrading, obscene and / or contravening laws, public order or generally accepted social norms. The user who wants to introduce links to the Legadier portal from other websites will be obliged to link it to the page, and can not reproduce it in any way. Neither may frames or frames surrounding the portal be established or that may cause its visualization to be carried out through different internet addresses or together with contents external to the website.
If the user has knowledge of the existence of any illegal content, contrary to the laws or that could involve an infringement of intellectual and / or industrial property rights, please notify Legadier through the email address info@legadier.com.
In the event that any of the provisions of these terms of use were declared invalid, such nullity will not affect the rest of the clauses of these conditions.
This legal notice is governed by Spanish Law. For any dispute that may arise about interpretation and compliance with the above, we submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.
The responsible for data processing is Legadier S.L.P. Unipersonal, with registered office in Madrid (Spain), Avenida de Brasil, 29 – 1º, C.P. 28020, C.I.F. B87859583. Contact e-mail: info@legadier.com.
In accordance with the provisions of “Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos de Caracter Personal” as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), and the rest of current legislation on the protection of personal data, the data voluntarily provided by the User will be included in a file owned by Legadier duly registered at the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
The purpose of processing the data is to process your request and provide you with information and services that you require. If you do not fill in the questions marked with an asterisk, Legadier will not be able to accept and manage the service or the question made. The data may also be used to send newsletters or Legadier information that may be of your interest.
In case you send us your CV or sign up for any job offer that Legadier may publish, we will process the data in order to manage your job application and, if necessary, carry out the necessary actions for the selection and hiring.
The user states that the information provided is true, complete and up-to-date, being responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, that could cause its non-compliance. In case the user provides data of third parties, he/she declares to have his/her consent and undertakes to inform him/her about the content of this legal notice.
The personal data provided by the users will be kept for the appropriate period to carry out the activities for which they were collected. Subsequently, they will remain at the maximum during the legally established terms.
The Legadier website has an SSL encryption to allow the safe sending of personal data that can be collected through the forms enabled.
The User may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (“ARCO rights”) by written and signed request indicating his name and surnames and the rights that he wishes to exercise, which he must send along with a copy of his identity document or passport by email to info@legadier.com or by postal mail or similar means of deliver to Legadier SLP Unipersonal Avenida de Brasil 29 -1º. 28020 Madrid (Spain). The user may request the deletion of their personal data (right to be forgotten) in the legally established cases, adopting reasonable measures for the elimination of links to said personal data, or any copy or replica of them. The user will also have the right to limit the processing of their personal data and a right to request the portability of their data.
May 24, 2018
© Legadier S.L.P. Unipersonal All rights reserved.
Photographs by Markus Spiske, Bruno Martins, Jonathan Velásquez, Steven Thompson and Ferran Fusalba Roselló.